Get More Done During The Day

7 Ways To Get More Done During The Day

We all have things we need to get done everyday, but end up pushing to the back burner, or letting them slip through the cracks. However, with a little planning, and a few simple tips, you can get more things done each day, and go to bed feeling productive, and happy with yourself. do it

1. Set Priorities — Make a list of the things you need to get done, and order them in order of importance.

2. Set A Timer — Set a timer, and try your best to get your intended task done in the allotted time.

3. Take Some Time For Yourself — Before starting your busy day sit down and figure out what you need to do.

4. Set Daily and Weekly Goals — While planning your to do lists, set your daily goals, as well as your weekly goals. It will help shape your daily to do lists.

5. Use a Planner or To Do List — Yes, write down your to do list in a planner, or on a piece of paper. Check the tasks off after you’ve completed them.

6. Avoid Distractions — Things like Facebook, TV, and your cell phone can distract you from your tasks. Keep them at bay until after you’ve finished.

7. Don’t Over Do It! — Give yourself a break in between tasks. If you go too hard you will surely burn yourself out, and likely put off other tasks that need to be done.

Keep Spiders Out Of Your House

4 ways to keep spiders out of your house.

Everyone hates those creepy (and gross!) spiders that crawl their way into our houses. But you don’t have to be terrorized by hairy, scary spiders any longer.motivation

There are a few ways that you can keep the spiders at bay easily. It only takes a little bit of time, and could be something you already do!

1. Clean your house: Okay, so we all (hopefully) clean our houses. But if you clean with certain products, spiders are more apt stay away. The creepy crawlies don’t like pine or lemon scents, so go to town with some Mr. Clean and Lemon pledge!

2. Crab Apples: Crab apples are these strange, and ugly, things that grown on tress. You can put a few around your house in places where the spiders like to come in, and live. Basements are a great place for these!

3. Keep your doors and windows shut tight: Keep them closed, and if you need to, use special seals found at most hardware stores to ensure they’re closed.

4. Shut off the lights: Outdoor lights, such as porch lights and lanterns, attract all kinds of insects. So shut off the lights to keep the spiders and other bugs out of your nice cozy house!

Good Luck!